HEAD Student Syndicate
We represent and defend students, promoting an alternative vision of education, art, and design.


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Associations sharing our values, serving students and others

Student initiatives

Self-managed initiatives, publications, clubs, and exhibition spaces by students


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How to Participate?

You can join us at our location during one of our weekly at 6:00 PM, or send us an email to express your interest.

Every year we organize a welcome session, which is the best time to come.


  • Coralie Cabibbo – Bachelor in Visual Art – President
  • Lisa Simoncini – Bachelor in Visual Art – Treasurer and Secretary
  • Ekaterina Bliznyuk – Master in Media Design – Vice President

Former Committee

Simon Frommel, Prune Gaillard, Tibor Udvari, Juliette Monnier, Alicia Gantès, Zéna Chite, Barbara Mermoud

Where to Find Us

Room RS43, HEAD Building D,
Boulevard James-Fazy 15, 1201 Geneva


Graphic Identity: Linda Forestieri

Website: Ekaterina Bliznyuk and Tibor Udvari